"You either walked out of Two Bunnies Eating Flowers after the first ten minutes last night or you stayed for the entire performance and it maybe changed your life. How best to describe this trio of nutty absurdists and the ridiculous, explosive, shocking, confrontational, glitterbomb of a show they dropped on Sketchfest audiences last night? I don't even know where to begin. Two Bunnies Eating Flowers are comedy studies comrades Alex Hanpeter, Kyle Reinhard and Jude Tedmori and while I want to divulge every last detail of their expertly executed sketch revue Horses Aren't People, Fishes Aren't Dogs, I'm going to hold back in hopes they'll do a run here in Chicago this spring. Sufficed to say they are high energy, high integrity and 100% committed to their craft. Aside from cracking themselves up a couple times on stage, they were flawless. But if you must know what it is we lucky few witnessed last night at Stage 773's Cab theater, let's just say it was a fearless, bloody, full-frontal assault on all senses that makes you want to leap out of your seat and start a revolution. I loved it hard." –Jason A. Heidemann
"-pulling off big, filthy ideas and blowing up venues all over town."- Matt Byrne
"This group has an incredible ability to push past the point at which most other sketch groups stop....I look forward to seeing what else this group can come up with. Since I saw this show, I’ve spoken with numerous people who have seen— no, experienced Two Bunnies shows in the past, and we all seem to be in agreement: you have no idea what these three people are going to do. But, you can expect to be shocked, appalled, and thoroughly entertained from the second the lights come up until the final bow."
"From the second I walked into the theater, I knew Two Bunnies Eating Flowers was going to give me a sketch show unlike any I had ever seen before."
"...have reached a level of comfort with each other that should make married couples jealous." -Michael Gomez
"Something geuninely unique and cool"
"-fearlessly working towards something truly original and unseen in live sketch comedy."
"-committed to executing unique, thrilling ideas"
"Although this confrontational and shocking sketch could possibly leave you slightly offended and questioning what just took place on stage, one thing is for sure- this trio’s high-energy performance will surely keep you at the edge of your seat and take you on a bloody rollercoaster ride of surprise and laughter."
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